About Robert Clear

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Hi, my name’s Robert and I’m an artist from London.

I mainly work in digital. That means I spend hours each day hunched over a graphics tablet, systematically destroying my posture. I love drawing animals, but because I live in the middle of London I don’t get to see them very often. Possibly I’m drawn to them because I have a subconscious longing for the countryside. Or perhaps it’s just that animals generally look pretty cool.

 delos signature

My signature says Delos, which means Clear in Ancient Greek. I did a PhD in classics, and I guess it’s my way of pretending there’s a practical legacy to spending four years of my twenties reading Greek poetry. In reality there’s no practical benefit at all. Literally none. But Greek poetry is still pretty awesome. Anyway…

I work on commission, so some of the designs here are owned by the companies that paid for them. If you’d like to buy or commission a design, please do get in touch.

If you share my work, please include an attribution and a link to my site. No commercial reproduction without permission. Cheers!

31 thoughts on “About Robert Clear

  1. I’m not really into blogs or other people’s work. I find most of it mediocre, contrived, derivative. This is so refreshingly ingenious. And it’s great to find freakishly short stories longer than mine.


  2. Wow! What a fabulous blog – I love the five second stories!
    As someone who loves the Greek Gods and has endured the rigours of PhD study, I had to buy your book “The Cambridge List”. I hope it doesn’t give me any bad ideas!!


  3. I’m delighted you popped by my blog so I could follow you back here. As a dedicated-cum-obsesssive reader who, sadly, is also increeeeeeedibly *slow* at reading, I am more appreciative than I can say to find such charming and cheeky writing in bite-sized pieces. Hurray for brilliant brevity! Cheers,


  4. Your blog has seasoned my otherwise bland evening. I adore your illustrations and five second stories.
    Similar to someone else who commented here, I seldom enjoy other peoples’ work, so it’s great to find a creative stance that is refreshingly original.
    In addition, The Cambridge List sounds great and is next on my reading list.


  5. hey robert. thanks for liking my post. i checked yours a bit. such amazing artwork.its definitely my kind of thing so i am really happy i found you here.soon i will check your articles too. now i must follow you!
    have a nice day


  6. Great work, and I like the concept and execution of your work. There are so many good blog that have way too many words. After several months blogging I set myself an upper limit of 300 words per post…..290 more than most people want.


  7. Hi Robert, as part of my one year blog anniversary celebrations, Maria Brinkley from the blog Maria Brinkley Artist, has recommended your blog to me.

    I see you are are a British blogger, like myself, and I look forward to reading and looking at your work here on your blog. Maria highly recommended that I check your blog out and I’m certainly glad she did just that.

    With best wishes,


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